What has been moved to Saturday 13 November at 10am. in the Garden of the Republic.
you the you can not lose!
Those coming:
- Lucas Carrasco, who promised to bring the machine gun only ideological.
-Mendieta, who twitter around the world and live and live on the meeting.
-Patucho : the blog A Day Supplement Peronist and Director of Youth Looks to the South.
-Julia Mengolini : If I have to make is that you live in a tupperware.
- @ miunicoheredero
-Daniela Godoy
Join the list by sending a mail juntadatucuman@gmail.com ! In addition to confirm your presence by mail, you can tell by the organizer here in the star, Aldo Jarma and announce your presence to the blogosphere.
Who will not come?
will be a disappointment, but for unknown reasons are not heading: Alfredo Leuco, Paul serves, Joaquin Morales Sola, Eduardo van der Kooy, Magnetto, Cleto Cobos and Elisa Carrio. A pity, no?
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