Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Many Calories In Take Away Chicken Curry

year ... 6h

I finished the year with 53 little run, which included raids, hiking swimming, marathons, 1 / 2 marathons, running, mountain UltraTrails, UltraTrails in stages mountain bike races in BTT stages, duathlon, triathlon, and Ultramans Ironmans. Soon I'll make a compilation of data. But as always, we ended the year with sessions of ski non-stop this year with proof of Dynastar skis for the 2010-2011 season (those in the photos). It is a joy to ski even one day with such pepinazo of skis, all over 750 euros!
Besides skiing, has been accompanied by sessions Running for 1h (to release the legs, lol) slope quite involved, with rises where the pace is 7min/km or more. But when the accompanying view (photo from the viewpoint of Collabardina), one does not mind having to go as "slow" and work up with short steps, but running!

This year we will start with more and better. My idea a priori is to reduce the number of races on tarmac (or at least slow down on them and make them more quality coaching) and Ultra Trail try some more of those of 90-100km to do in a day, but forget those stages. So far we are a couple of Ultras in the calendar and Ironman. In mind other Ironmans and this year's Ultraman calendar jumps. At first the idea is to do a year if, one year no. Be alert all year of a date, wear Basante mentally!


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