At the insistence of some and curiosity of others whether it was the youngest of the world to have completed an Ultraman, I got down to work and I have reviewed the results of all editions of Ultramans Canada and Hawaii, obtaining the following conclusions:
Tracy Preston, 25, F, Canada
Eugene Pred, 24, M, Canada
Alexandros Stathopoulos, 24, M, Greece
Sheena Miller, 25, F, Canada
Mads Fabricius, 25, M, Denmark
Scott Molina, 24, M
Stephen Anderson, 23, M, GA
Andy Andres, 24, M, NJ
Masako Mandakoro, 21, F, JAPAN
Kazuhiro Kawamura, 22, M, JAPAN
Hiroe Fukushima, 25, F, JAPAN
Robert Egbert, 25, M, Hawai
Tracy Preston, 25, F, Canada
Peter Kotland, 25, M
Michael Saviano, 24, M, USA
These are all Finishers of Ultraman and have a younger age than me. The youngest, at 22, the youngest with 21 ... Just to have discovered the triathlon before and not 23 years ... who knows! ;)
As you see, I'm not the most "crazy"! But one of the most! :)
As you see, I'm not the most "crazy"! But one of the most! :)
However, European level, I am the 3rd youngest level and English, the youngest . Although I see this year in the DID, is a brave dare to 24 years. Although the distance to cover our time a little lower on the bike, the cumulative positive slopes are palm and difference. There you have it
On the other hand, say that Carlos Ochoa finished in 5th place in the Double-Deca Ironman in Monterrey, however, all participants who finished, they agreed to say they suffered more than enjoyed. It is for this reason that this possibility is ruled out, and more contested in swimming, and tours of just 2 or 3 km, so mentally it can be very hard! And even physically!
Apart from the link in their blog you leave a notÃcia to become aware of the magnitude of the event in terms of km's, time to do so and experienced sensanciones!
low in a month is celebrated in Lanzarote Enduroman , a DobleIronman to make the pull (or taking a landing), within 48 hours. There if you think there will be a few English ... But despite having thought, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking it go round a short circuit so I ended up removing the head! Will be the second such test (more than one Ironman distance) in Spain. At the moment 18 participants, 6 English.
Moreover, each time starts to be more evidence of this kind, the latest craze of this type is: EPIC 5 Challenge , 5 Ironmans in 5 days, in 5 different islands of Hawaii!
And nothing else, I keep accumulating km's from face to UT XTREM GR-10 (93km, 3800m +) in less than a week! Makes an excellent temperature for running, BTTear, etc. Use them!!
On the other hand, say that Carlos Ochoa finished in 5th place in the Double-Deca Ironman in Monterrey, however, all participants who finished, they agreed to say they suffered more than enjoyed. It is for this reason that this possibility is ruled out, and more contested in swimming, and tours of just 2 or 3 km, so mentally it can be very hard! And even physically!
Apart from the link in their blog you leave a notÃcia to become aware of the magnitude of the event in terms of km's, time to do so and experienced sensanciones!

And nothing else, I keep accumulating km's from face to UT XTREM GR-10 (93km, 3800m +) in less than a week! Makes an excellent temperature for running, BTTear, etc. Use them!!
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