1 +1 = 3: Tucumán always gives you more.

Something very strange is happening in Tucumán. At least these days, mathematical laws were no longer accurate. Not subtracted, not divided and the amount actually multiplied.
is a license, if you will, arithmetic, who took the Ente Tucumán Turismo to present promotional strategy that will get travelers to choose the Garden of the Republic during the Holy Week.
The equation, though inaccurate, is simple and its verification empirical result in a benefit for those who seize it.
Hotels, travel agencies, car rental, active tourism providers and the spectacle of light and sound of the Historic House, will join the restaurants, bars, gifts, apparel and retail business in general, in than to buy two, the third is on account of the house.
course, with four universities in its midst, you can not blame the province of ignoring the most elementary rules of arithmetic. This is actually a practical application of the bounty that has always characterized the fertile soil of Tucumán and hospitable population. And those who choose it as a destination for your leisure break between 18 and 24 April, will enjoy this quality from the moment you arrive.
Always more
If Benjamin Matienzo Airport decide to rent a car to tour the Garden of the Republic, hiring two days will receive a third free. If the minimum stay at the hotel is two nights, the third is a gift. And so, eat, walk, learn and to be a good memory of Tucumán, have implied the advantage of going with more than what you came for. That was the concept agreed between the Chamber of Tourism of Tucuman, Tucumán Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Entity.
"That's the idea, endorsed Racedo Bernardo Aragon. "We want to make clear that always gives you more Tucumán. If bucas weather, looking for a landscape, looking for a style of tourism, in Tucumán, you have everything, "stressed the head of the Ente Tucumán Turismo.
The benefit will be those visiting the historic town of San Miguel de Tucumán, Yerba Buena and San Javier, where great part of the actions to be generated during the long weekend.
To install the initiative, the agency deployed a tucumano intense promotional campaign that reaches across the country, with emphasis on the main tourist resorts and in the northern provinces, where in addition to the usual means of dissemination activities were undertaken in road involving already established promoters and tricycles, which represented Tucumán in the Bicentennial celebration.
The idea then is to leave the calculator at home to settle for a few days in Tucuman, a destination with appeal both to the rigorous mathematical laws, decided to take a break. The
businesses seeking to join the promotion can do so by going to the street July 9, 1968, 1st floor, Tourism Services Department, the ETT.
Further information: http://www.tucumanturismo.gov.ar/semanasanta2011
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