Friday, February 4, 2011

Eukaryotic Organisms Causing Meningitis

final part (3 / 3)

Amy: no_dije not as a tear fell down my cheek

Sonic: Do not worry I'll always play my oz
Amy: Sonic ... (Look at the other side) Shadow_dije surprised

Shadow: aff must make juntos_dijo

missed ok_dije
The guys gave me all his energy the strongest label was horrible beast that had no exit was finished I gave all my energy also seal the well bore the evil spirits that it was not absorbed Nite stare at she cares nothing seemed happy the seal was closed all three fell to the ground for a moment I closed my eyes and when I opened my front was

Nite Nite: I did a big favor but do not appreciate it (raising his oz) muere_dijo

Amy: ah I shocked
Nite: (suddenly falls to the floor)

Hikari:'re right (I hit Nite)

Amy: Hikari Hikari despertaste_dije

: si_dijo

Amy: (waking up) perdoname_dije embracing

Hikari: I should not ask forgiveness for not telling nada_dijo

Amy: I am not your so silly to protegerme_dije
Hikari: do not

preocupes_dijo Nite: Rising up to me pagaras_dijo

Nite At that very moment began to fade was disappearing looked at us and disappeared look she was still asleep
Amy: that paso_dije

Hikari: the seal absorbio_dijo

Sonic: (rising) Amy! _dijo

Amy: Sonic (taking it) these bien_dije

Sonic: kiss me .. if

estoy_dijo Hikari: I think I missed going to mucho_dijo turning around

Kira: (waking up) uhmmm that paso_dijo

Hikari: Kira (running) and all acabo_dijo

Kira: what

hizo_dijo Hikari: sip_dijo content

Shadow: (rising) hmmp_camino

Amy: Shadow
cry: (standing still)

Amy: because there will not be able to do without your ayuda_dije

Shadow: (leaves)

Sonic: oye_dijo something

upset Amy: neither would have done without embracing
Hikari: uff now who separated this
mocking tortolitos_dijo
Both: hahahaha

Kira: I think the spell was broken and I feel something inside his chest touching
Hikari: I igual_dijo

Kira and Hikari will began to shine we turned around and saw change was amazing how Kira was a bristling hair color change too much change


Amy: girls who surprised paso_dije

Kira: This is our true forma_dijo

Hikari: if the other was oscura_dijo

Amy: ah ya

entiendo_dije Sonic: we, the girls grabbed my

dejamos_dijo Amy: ehm? _dije

Sonic: (download) adios_dijo running

Amy: where are you taking me these herido_dije

Sonic: Do not worry I winked bien_dijo

Sonic took me a small lake was really beautiful there I sat big hug we watched the beautiful sunset I did not believe that what both wanted to come true ive stayed there the night cuddled up to a thousand times told me he loved me and who was also a fool for not realizing my mission but I think I'll finish here

continued ...


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