Friday, February 11, 2011

Purple Highlights In Long Brown Hair

The nursing room

Hikary: Okay here's your comida_dijo handing

Zack: I'm dying of hambre_dijo great grasping

Hikary: (sitting on the bed) Zack

: (in disgust) puajjj this is horrible_dijo
Hikary: ser_dijo that can not be tested (green face ... swallowing ....) this is too salty to disgust disgust yuk

Cream: Hikary brought you another ... (Looking) jajaaj not tell me who ate salty food
(glare) explĂ­cate_dijo

Cream: good news is that by accident Chesse shot all the salt in the food and brought otra_dijo

Hikary: oh sorry Distressed by

gritarte_dijo Chesse: chao chao_dijo ashamed

Zack: ehm? I have hambre_dijo

Hikary: toma_dijo
Zack is so hot you could not enfriar_dijo giving me the Hikary

dish: In your mind, you'll poison if you want, alright (blowing)

Zack: Thanks nena_dijo

Hikary: usshhh not tell me angry
Cream: Okay I let alone good noches_dijo
Chesse: chao happy

chao_dijo Hikary: Hey it's your nurse does not mean I just do explode heard that I'm good with folded arms persona_dijo

Zack, where have you seen people throw stones
Hikary: Well ah .... I'm good noches_cerrando usshhh door

Zack: moving an entire nena_dijo

head room in the laboratory ...

Sonic: * thinking *

Tails: you think of anything? _dijo Approaching

Sonic: * breathe * while we're here all Mobius runs peligro_dijo

Tails: we all know that we can not do anything unless ...* thinking * I have an idea

Sonic: what? _dijo

Tails: we can make a machine to return to happy

Mobius_dijo Sonic in

serio_dijo hopeful Tails: I'll put it right now hacerlo_dijo running

Sonic: I hope
Amy: I been there this

buscando_dije hugging Sonic: Amy_dijo answering the

Amy hug: something happens? Sonic
look: if I care about what you can do there _dijo

Eggman Amy: I kiss * quiet * Shadow and Never are there they will protect Mobius_dije

Sonic: if but igual_dijo

Amy: lol you care about kissing demasiado_dije

Blaze: fence (entering) is something I do not say anything I'm not looking your best amiga_dijo

Amy: hehe sorry Sonic and I are novios_dije

Blaze fence and was hora_dijo

Both: ajajaja_dijimos

Sonic: I'll go to see iendose
Blaze: I want to say all you

paso_dijo Amy: claro_dije

With Tails ...

Tails: Sonic is not going to like Sonic

esto_dijo lamenting: that thing? _dijo Back

Tails: ah ... ah ... Sonic
alarmed: with you? _dijo

Tails: ehhhhmmm good is the plan I told you we will take a while hacerlo_dijo

Sonic: so?
Tails: 1 month

medio_dijo Sonic: WHAT! I can not wait that all Mobius runs screaming
Tails: I have no guilt good look if we had the technology later this year now

construirlo_dijo Sonic: but you can not build it in less tiempo_dijo

Tails: it is almost imposible_dijo

Sonic: ohh no wall can ser_golpeando

Tails: quiet will do my best to build fast

Sonic: thanks Tails_dijo

All the girls went to sleep was undoubtedly a stressful day I worried Sonic and also what can happen to Mobius closed my eyes slowly to fall asleep

could not sleep alone in my bed was spinning I got up and went for a walk ... every step he took toward infinity I heard a noise and feel that I cover their mouths

??: shhhhh quiet makes you not a male voice nada_dijo

Hikary: (face fear)

continued ...


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