an OLE FOR ORGANIZERS AND VOLUNTEERS only for the sake of art, in your area or your friends have allowed us to enjoy area Garraf, Llobregat at no cost and with all the comforts and facilities that can provide any evidence of mountain category in which you pay your 60 euros minimum without any glue, and even things not go as smoothly as they left. There are always safe, but what gives good atmosphere to the point.
Thanks to them, it was possible that some will complete the whole circuit (well, not full, pq St Ramón rise to the jump, and we were very touched, it was raining, and the adventure was over algargado account.) Jordi Martinez and Juan Carlos Escuté were commissioned to design the route and try to lead a large group of 40, separated into two small groups of approximately 20 units. The G1 (the "supposedly fast") and G2 (the "slow"). It was to go in groups and rhythms that allow us to meet and chat about our stories.
Before going to the starting line, at 19.30 I went through a talk on How Trienjoy triathlon training, taught by Ivan Herruzo. Not bad, but it is a big topic for itentar sum it up in a little short hour. Still I got some idea another to apply to my coaches. I stayed with a phrase, to improve, you have to "whore" to the body. And I took it to the letter! Shortly after the talk touched putearlo with theoretical 105km UT-Llobregat Garraf, which were 110km if we followed the track to the millimeter, but turned out to be almost 120km from the many losses we suffer and to follow a track without a background map and unmarked on the circuit is not as simple as it may be apparent. Also came about 3800m of positive slope.
But before we go on an adventure, "peak" with some members of the school where I studied, had a few since we met 8 years and others even more. I say "peak" because I had my appointment with the mountain, and could only sting a little because then I had to "go party."
At 22:30, I start to psych what I expected ... At 22:45 I decide to pull St Climent. It was easy dinner and then stay to party, but how easy we leave to others, not me. For some it will be difficult to understand, but I better step by animality partying! Are different points of view!
Enfin, I decide to go to St Climent de Llobregat. At 23:15 am for St Boi, but can not find the road to St Climent. Jordan decided to call for me to wait in case they are already out dot. I turn on my GPS and I get to St Climent 10min. Damn, what ambientazo. They're all ready, or casitodos. I'm the second last to arrive. Paco and Roque remain, and fortunately we have to wait a bit. I change in a hurry and does not give me time to organize the runner's bag so I can change clothes halfway through, so by all in the bag with which I run. Salgo ballast! I think even if it takes a tad more weight, I'll be able to stand with the G1.
sprawled to overcome a obstaculillo while others pose for a photo
At one point the route where there is a reunion, I stop to empty the stomach, and the boot I'm stuck with the G2 to go at your pace. To get along at all, ask to see if the G1 is going too far. I bet, and change of pace to catch them. Took the track and I'm just trying to follow it. I'm going to stop to hunt soon. But there is a mess of roads and some are on one side, others on the other ... chaos! I appear on the path that will play to go after running in the opposite direction so at least cruzármelos. I see from the GPS is in supplying nearby, so I go in opposite direction there. Upon arrival, I received oranges, bananas, ... Self-sufficiency as was the original idea, no nothing! but just as well, so I will not stick! I say I'm the first to arrive, so the rest must wait. We do not know if they are lost or has happened. The truth is that I caught her and went to saquísimo tarmac to see if it was wound not staying alone and lost. For the 5-10min we were all there. From here (Gava) and if that if G1 and G2 are separated, each to their own devices.
Soon after, the pace that we have, even by plane, I see that is very strong. Too much to bear after 90km that they should be by that time. Some of us started G1 to pick ... I'm not the first to climb down but the latter, in a little group of 4. Luckily, soon stopped and we had to regroup. Commented that at this rate we were not able to follow, and from there the pace is relaxed a little. I was very Justito! Also on hand for making the goat casitoda week, without rest to address this fling. He had been a week calendar 50km, 9km bike and 3 hours of pool!! Now put on this festival!!
Now, the pace slows a bit and we can go all pretty close together. J. Martinez, J. Folger, X. Interest, and other machines on the mountain who were in the group relax a little. The pace despite that neither is it very quiet, but now I feel so better. I think I should be most UltraTrails novatillo in this group. The insurance youngest and most inexperienced too. I've done things from these, but these people have a curriculum that scare! And the pace is too scary! About
and pulling the grupete GPS
A queue group, very Justito muscularly throughout the UT
Provisioning Buddhist Temple, with such aid stations, and we listened to the Buddhas
We reached a point where Jordan had made a touch- final at the track for a couple of days. Manolo took the old track, I the new one. There were like crazy looking for the road. Manolo with his track was not. I decided then to ignore mine, undo a good piece of road to pick up my track. As always you're missing is downhill and plays undo rise! In the end, with my track we find the path. Now the problem is that I'm only up there where the road goes. I start to whistle and scream to rise. Polvorilla and ultrarunning (I stayed with their forum nicknames and not their names, is what it is) then come with me, but the rest of the group is still looking for the way to the other track. Whistles and shout them a good while saying that was where we said but at the beginning or case. We insist, and no case. So to put pressure, we walk pulling while we insist on our whistles and shouting. See if so, whether we are shooting, as we were and where they were, they decided to come through which dogged us and not looking where to look. Not so. We decided to wait a bit and I keep insisting to whistles, but no case. I step back to undo the way to cash them to search. We decided to go and sure sooner or later, seeing no return, where we will fall. In the end it happened. While we are waiting in the VIP SUPPLIES (70 km approx), with pasta, tortilla potato, nougat, biscuits, chocolate, ... enfin, everything! Go volunteer organization and go! CHAPEAU! THANKS AGAIN! Forces reload and hope the rest. Here, leaving the majority, decided to see what happened fold. Now i am just 5 that come from the start and 1 more than we said in the Buddhist Temple. The so called 5 +1, lol. And now, we decided not to separate. The bitch, who just outside the supplies have to climb a great time. Bufffff. To me I was going through a bit but I'm making macaroni, Manolo, you go through the whole and not dump it, pick up plenty. We'll wait, but he insists that we throw with the help my GPS, that he will pull his pace with yours. Even if we call the G2 came about (all the while the cerquita because they had not lost) to absorb it. Still, we lowered the rate to see if I could follow, but no way. In the end, we resign and pull forward. Now I'm the ballast makes. I touched the right calf and left tibia. Nothing serious but I can not force it on the climbs, I feel that if I pull over, there is a risk that I burst muscularly. Van
km's happening slowly, and suffered another loss, even in decline, so turn back the way and back up. Once the path taken Well, we met Manolo, which was redone and no progress had been lost to us! Let's pull together again. Now I do not do much ballast, we split the merits with Manolo, lol! We arrived at the last refreshment (the last official and gave them time to ride!), We are about 100km.
Soon it starts to rain and it gets dark. None had imagined at the beginning that we would return to catch night! So no, waterproof, front and forward. And have nothing left. I will already played too much, but now there is no turning back, clenching touches to the final. I'm picking up the group, but I am comforted to see that does Manolo same. We pull the tran tran, very Justito. There is almost nothing. We arrived where, theoretically, was the last supplies, which left no time to ride, still raining and now I decided to go for the climb to St Ramón, we take the shortest route, and St Climent. We arrived happy goal. Bad, that no one gets in our moment of ecstasy. But we do not care, we have completed the course and that's what counts. Soon and yes, come to greet some of the volunteers and supporters of the event. Thanks to them this was possible.
I've done:
RECORD -KM's (say that in the end were about 115-120)
-RECORD Sleepless hours (from 6:30 am on Friday, until 21:30 on Saturday, 39h), I think not partying!
also have opened my eyes to how to organize Turbón UT , without spending too much money and no need to organize it as a career. Now my turn to design the circuit, the provisioning points, and tell the staff to be pointing to another party. It will come!
share dinner with them and talked for a while. I had already mentioned to Jordan if it was possible to sleep at home, he considered a danger to go back home on a motorcycle raining, so I was shattered, and so on. I said no problem. THANKS! At the end I even had to go to bed earlier. During dinner, I was fine, but was to perceive the whiff of sausages and turned my body, turned pale em ... Some were scared, not me.
I decided then that it was best to go to sleep, although the left half a dinner. KO I was lost and needed to sleep, could not go. Too many challenges and achievements in the same effort. It'll take some time to come back to cheer with such a distance, run a whole night, but what is repeated not rule!
The next morning, back home after a chat with Jordi ratillo. Thanks for everything, crack! Travel

But before we go on an adventure, "peak" with some members of the school where I studied, had a few since we met 8 years and others even more. I say "peak" because I had my appointment with the mountain, and could only sting a little because then I had to "go party."
At 22:30, I start to psych what I expected ... At 22:45 I decide to pull St Climent. It was easy dinner and then stay to party, but how easy we leave to others, not me. For some it will be difficult to understand, but I better step by animality partying! Are different points of view!
Enfin, I decide to go to St Climent de Llobregat. At 23:15 am for St Boi, but can not find the road to St Climent. Jordan decided to call for me to wait in case they are already out dot. I turn on my GPS and I get to St Climent 10min. Damn, what ambientazo. They're all ready, or casitodos. I'm the second last to arrive. Paco and Roque remain, and fortunately we have to wait a bit. I change in a hurry and does not give me time to organize the runner's bag so I can change clothes halfway through, so by all in the bag with which I run. Salgo ballast! I think even if it takes a tad more weight, I'll be able to stand with the G1.
At 00:00, after the stroke and the group picture, turns out. Then a feverish pace, and beating the first rise at a frenetic pace. I'm coming with his tongue out and do not carry or 3km ... This looks bad. My twins and complain, and will pinpoint of climbing, my back is loaded in excess for the overweight bag, ... Enfin, what happened to bad about not sag.
At the top, break to wait for the G2. It was finally decided to go with them to km. 15, which did not understand it because we walked quietly with their lower surface of running a knife and then going cold stand for in some cases up to 20minutes or more. Enfin, things happen. To some this and puts in a bad mood. I have come simply to enjoy so do not give importance to the issue. My goals were clear: BE A WHOLE NIGHT RUNNING WITH FRONT AND OVERCOMING THE BARRIER OF 100KM. Then they fell more records, but I leave for later.

km. 40, John, our guide and deluxe organizer, decided to leave, will hit the knee (from the beginning and it was, but decided to test.) We were without a guide and now, playing pull GPS's. I wear mine, but will loquísimo. The leading Manolo, is a tad better. So no, all to follow him.
From there we started to go more km's. It is not easy to keep track without a map behind! We now own a fairly comfortable pace that allows us all quietly jogging and even talking. This should have been from the beginning and not to these constant changes of pace and the frenetic pace. That beginning, as we all suffer. They pass km's and supplies after provisioning, people start to leave.

because Jordi is no longer and miss too much, others because they see that things are going to go for long and we're going with a delay significant enough, others because they see that at this pace can not inconvenience others .. . I continue to soldier on. No one at home waiting for me and I do not reach the thousands. My first goal, running all night, was overcome, but it was the latter, exceed 100km! The group is losing units in Sitges, in the Buddhist temple ...

Soon it starts to rain and it gets dark. None had imagined at the beginning that we would return to catch night! So no, waterproof, front and forward. And have nothing left. I will already played too much, but now there is no turning back, clenching touches to the final. I'm picking up the group, but I am comforted to see that does Manolo same. We pull the tran tran, very Justito. There is almost nothing. We arrived where, theoretically, was the last supplies, which left no time to ride, still raining and now I decided to go for the climb to St Ramón, we take the shortest route, and St Climent. We arrived happy goal. Bad, that no one gets in our moment of ecstasy. But we do not care, we have completed the course and that's what counts. Soon and yes, come to greet some of the volunteers and supporters of the event. Thanks to them this was possible.
I've done:
RECORD -KM's (say that in the end were about 115-120)
-RECORD Sleepless hours (from 6:30 am on Friday, until 21:30 on Saturday, 39h), I think not partying!
also have opened my eyes to how to organize Turbón UT , without spending too much money and no need to organize it as a career. Now my turn to design the circuit, the provisioning points, and tell the staff to be pointing to another party. It will come!
Once Upon arrival, we go to the bar where dinner. We take a pica pica, for kill time until the G2. G2 have survived about 10.

The next morning, back home after a chat with Jordi ratillo. Thanks for everything, crack! Travel
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